Don’t Let Your IT Hit the Fan: Avoiding Common Tech Disasters

In today’s world, IT disasters can hit harder than ever before. Whether it’s a ransomware attack, a power outage, or even the classic “oops, I deleted the wrong file,” businesses are constantly one misstep away from things going sideways. At Kirkham IronTech, we’ve seen it all. We’ve helped clients recover from some of the most common (and preventable) IT disasters. But here’s the thing: you don’t have to wait until your IT hits the fan. With a little proactive planning and the right backup solutions, many of these disasters can be avoided altogether. Let’s break down some of the common IT disasters, how to avoid them, and the tools you need to keep your tech running smoothly.

Don’t Let Your IT Hit the Fan: Avoiding Common Tech Disasters

The Dangers of Neglecting Disaster Recovery Plans

Failing to plan is planning to fail, and when it comes to IT disasters, this couldn’t be more true. Many companies operate under the assumption that “it won’t happen to me,” until, of course, it does. A disaster recovery (DR) plan is your business’s safety net. Without it, the aftermath of a cyberattack, natural disaster, or hardware failure can leave your operations in shambles.

Here at Kirkham IronTech, we specialize in creating customized DR plans tailored to your industry and specific needs. Our 3 Pillar Assessment includes a thorough gap analysis, helping us pinpoint weaknesses in your current infrastructure. From there, we provide actionable steps to implement best-of-breed solutions that maximize your recovery capabilities and minimize downtime.

Tips to Avoid Disaster:

  • Regularly update and test your DR plan to ensure it works under real conditions.
  • Implement offsite backups—don’t rely solely on onsite storage.
  • Schedule frequent security audits to catch vulnerabilities before they become a problem.

Backup Solutions: The Unsung Hero of IT Resilience

Data is the lifeblood of any modern business, and losing it can be catastrophic. You’ve probably heard horror stories about businesses losing years’ worth of data to malware, accidental deletion, or hardware failures. But these are entirely avoidable scenarios with the right backup strategy in place.

At Kirkham IronTech, we emphasize defense in depth—a layered approach to security. Just like layers of an onion, we ensure that your systems have multiple levels of protection in place. This includes cloud-based backup solutions that offer real-time data replication, as well as offline backups that serve as the final layer of defense.

Backup Best Practices:

  • Use the 3-2-1 rule: Keep three copies of your data, on two different media, with one copy stored offsite.
  • Automate backups to avoid human error—set it and forget it.
  • Verify backup integrity regularly to ensure you can restore data if needed.

IT Governance: Keeping the Chaos in Check

Think of IT governance as the conductor of an orchestra. Without someone coordinating the instruments, things can quickly descend into chaos. Governance ensures your IT systems are aligned with your business goals, risks are managed, and performance is constantly optimized.

When you partner with Kirkham IronTech, we don’t just set up your IT infrastructure and leave you to it. We provide ongoing governance through periodic business reviews and incident response plans to ensure your IT systems continue to meet the needs of your growing business. Our unique blend of cybersecurity, IT infrastructure, and governance sets us apart in the industry, offering comprehensive, end-to-end IT management.

Governance Guidelines:

  • Regularly review IT policies to ensure they align with current business objectives.
  • Conduct periodic audits to measure network performance and security.
  • Stay compliant with industry regulations to avoid costly fines and data breaches.

Proactive Planning: Stop Problems Before They Start

At Kirkham IronTech, we firmly believe that proactive planning is the key to avoiding IT disasters. One of the most common mistakes businesses make is waiting for something to go wrong before taking action. Instead, invest in regular assessments and monitoring to identify potential issues before they escalate into full-blown disasters.

Our security-first approach means we treat security as the foundation of all IT operations. By prioritizing security, we not only protect your data but also ensure that your infrastructure is reliable, scalable, and built to handle the demands of modern business. After all, prevention is always better than cure.

Key Proactive Measures:

  • Invest in ongoing employee training to minimize human error and increase awareness of cybersecurity threats.
  • Schedule regular IT infrastructure assessments to identify areas for improvement.
  • Deploy endpoint protection across all devices to reduce the risk of malware or ransomware attacks.

Be Prepared, Not Sorry

The truth is that most IT disasters are avoidable with the right preparation. Whether it’s through a robust disaster recovery plan, comprehensive backups, or diligent governance, you can avoid letting your IT hit the fan. At Kirkham IronTech, we’ve helped businesses of all sizes maintain operational resilience, increase efficiency, and reduce costs through our tailored IT solutions. With our best-of-breed solutions, you’re not just getting a vendor stack—you’re getting a well-oiled machine designed to empower your business.

And here’s some good news: We’re offering a free cybersecurity and IT infrastructure assessment to help you identify gaps and vulnerabilities in your system. During this assessment, we’ll conduct a thorough review based on our unique 3 Pillar Assessment, providing you with a detailed gap analysis and recommendations on how to secure and optimize your IT environment.

Don’t wait for disaster to strike. Let Kirkham IronTech help you keep your IT systems secure, scalable, and ready for whatever comes next.


Tom Kirkham cybersecurity expert author and speakerTom Kirkham brings more than three decades of software design, network administration, and cybersecurity knowledge to organizations around the country. During his career, Tom has received multiple software design awards and founded other acclaimed technology businesses.

Tom is a highly sought after speaker on the topic of cybersecurity and he’s also the author of TWO #1 best selling books on AmazonHack the Rich and The Cyber Pandemic Survival Guide.  

Learn more about Tom at

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Cybersecurity threats are always transforming, and that’s why we need to stay prepared. Now is the best time for you to take advantage of our FREE Security and Infrastructure Assessment taking place on this blog post. We guarantee positive results in recognizing areas where your business can improve. Time waits for no one; don’t hesitate or else you risk losing absolutely everything.

Reach out today by emailing or call 479-434-1400.

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