Key Considerations When Developing a Disaster Recovery Plan

Disaster recovery planning (DRP) is crucial for ensuring business continuity and minimizing downtime during unexpected disruptions. This article outlines key considerations for creating an effective DRP.

Disaster recovery planning (DRP) is crucial for ensuring business continuity and minimizing downtime during unexpected disruptions. This article outlines key considerations for creating an effective DRP, leveraging insights from Kirkham IronTech’s best practices.

disaster recovery plan for business DRP

1. Risk Assessment and Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

Conducting a comprehensive risk assessment and BIA is the foundational step in disaster recovery planning. This process involves identifying potential threats (natural disasters, cyber-attacks, system failures) and evaluating the impact on business operations. Understanding these risks allows organizations to prioritize resources and develop strategies that address the most critical vulnerabilities.

Key Steps:

  • Identify Risks: Evaluate environmental, technological, and human factors.
  • Assess Impact: Determine how each risk affects critical business functions.
  • Prioritize Risks: Focus on high-impact threats to ensure effective resource allocation.

2. Define Recovery Objectives

Establishing clear recovery objectives is essential for guiding your disaster recovery efforts. Two key metrics to define are:

  • Recovery Time Objective (RTO): The maximum acceptable downtime for critical systems.
  • Recovery Point Objective (RPO): The maximum acceptable amount of data loss measured in time.

These objectives help determine the appropriate recovery strategies and technologies to implement.

Key Steps:

  • Set RTO and RPO: Based on the criticality of business functions and acceptable downtime/data loss.
  • Align Objectives with Business Goals: Ensure recovery objectives support overall business continuity strategies.

3. Develop a Comprehensive Data Recovery (DR) Plan

A comprehensive DR plan should outline detailed procedures for responding to various disaster scenarios. This includes technical recovery steps, communication plans, and roles and responsibilities.

Key Components:

  • Technical Recovery Procedures: Detailed steps for restoring systems and data.
  • Communication Plan: Strategies for internal and external communication during a disaster.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: Assign specific tasks to team members to ensure coordinated efforts.

4. Implement Robust IT Infrastructure and Cybersecurity Measures

A resilient IT infrastructure and robust cybersecurity measures are critical for effective disaster recovery. Kirkham IronTech emphasizes the importance of integrating cutting-edge technology and best-of-breed solutions to enhance system performance and security.

Key Steps:

  • Invest in Redundant Systems: Ensure backup systems are in place to minimize downtime.
  • Regular Data Backups: Implement automated backup solutions to protect critical data.
  • Cybersecurity Measures: Employ proactive security measures to protect against cyber threats.

5. Regular Testing and Continuous Improvement

Regular testing and continuous improvement are vital for maintaining an effective DR plan. Periodic drills and simulations help identify gaps and areas for improvement.

Key Steps:

  • Conduct Regular Drills: Simulate disaster scenarios to test response plans.
  • Review and Update Plans: Continuously update the DR plan based on test results and evolving threats.
  • Engage Stakeholders: Ensure all relevant stakeholders are involved in the testing process.

6. Leverage Kirkham IronTech’s Expertise

We offer a unique blend of services that set us apart in the industry, including cybersecurity, IT infrastructure, and governance. Our proactive cybersecurity measures and comprehensive IT solutions provide robust protection and operational integrity, ensuring businesses are well-prepared for disaster recovery.

  • Award-Winning MSP: Recognized among the top 250 worldwide in 2022 and 2023.
  • 3 Pillars Approach: Excelling in IT Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, and Governance.
  • Defense in Depth: Implementing layered security measures.
  • Best of Breed Solutions: Selecting superior products for optimal performance.

Enhance Your Resilience

Developing a disaster recovery plan involves a thorough risk assessment, defining clear recovery objectives, and implementing comprehensive procedures and robust IT infrastructure. 

Regular testing and leveraging expert services like those from Kirkham IronTech can enhance your organization’s resilience. By following these key considerations, business leaders can ensure their organizations are well-prepared to handle any disruptions and maintain business continuity.

We offer a free Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Assessment to help organizations identify vulnerabilities and strengthen their defenses. Take advantage of this opportunity to develop a robust disaster recovery plan and ensure your business continuity in the face of potential threats.


Tom Kirkham cybersecurity expert author and speakerTom Kirkham brings more than three decades of software design, network administration, and cybersecurity knowledge to organizations around the country. During his career, Tom has received multiple software design awards and founded other acclaimed technology businesses.

Tom is a highly sought after speaker on the topic of cybersecurity and he’s also the author of TWO #1 best selling books on AmazonHack the Rich and The Cyber Pandemic Survival Guide.  

Learn more about Tom at

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